
Create Robo Instance

from robopython import Robo
BLE_Name = “Robo1” – example BLE name
my_robo = Robo(BLE_Name)

Battery Level


Returns the battery level in % and the status.
>>> print my_robo.battery_level()
>>> 80, Discharging

Change BLE Name

change_ble_name(self, name)

name must be 16 characters or less e.g name = “Robo1”
Robo will reboot once the command is received and the name is changed
You can use an instance of BLED112 to scan() and see all discoverable devices or simply check on your phone that the new ble name has been taken

Check Drive Action


returns the status of the drive action 1 = done, None = in progress, 0 = failed
if my_robo.check_drive_action():
        print "Drive Action Complete"

Check Turn Action


returns the status of the turn action 1 = done, None = in progress, 0 = failed
if my_robo.check_turn_action():
        print "Turn Action Complete"


delay(self, delay_time)

delay_time is the time in seconds to wait until function returns

Display Text

display_text(self, text, matrices)

Cascaded diplay of text on one or more LED Matices

text is a string to be displayed on the matrices
matrices is a list of Matrix objects that should participate in the text display
my_robo.display_text("Welcome to Robo Wunderkind", [my_robo.Matrix1, my_robo.Matrix2, my_robo.Matrix3])


drive(self, vel, distance, direction, wait=1, motors=(1, 2), wd=89)

drive is Robo’s simplified command to have Robo drive a certain distance assuming a 2 motor configuration

vel is the desired velocity from 0-100%
distance is how far in centimeters Robo should drive
direction will detirmine forward or backward
wait is a flag that indicates if we wait in the function until the action is complete. set wait = 0 if we want to exit the function while driving
motors is a tuple of the two motors used to drive Robo
wd is the diameter of the wheels used, default is 89mm or 0x59mm in hex.
If you choose to change the wheels be sure to pass in the new wheel diameter, 30, 1)

Drive Forever

drive_inf(self, vel, direction)

vel is the desired velocity from 0-100%
direction will detirmine forward or backward
my_robo.drive_inf(80, 1)

Turn Forever

turn_inf(self, vel, direction)

vel is the desired velocity from 0-100%
direction will detirmine forward or backward
my_robo.turn_inf(80, 1)

Firmware Version


Returns the firmware version of Robo

Get Robo Build


returns a list of Robo Wunderkind moduels that are currently attached
The is updated automatically upon initialization of Robo object as well as when there has been a change in the build
The latest build is stored in ->
build = my_robo.get_build()

Get BLE Characteristics


characteristics = my_robo.get_characteristics()
returns a list of GATT characteristics
characteristics = my_robo.get_characteristics()



rssi = my_robo.get_rssi()
returns the BLE signal strength rssi value
signal_strength = my_robo.get_rssi()

Set Drive Command

set_drive(self, motor_cmds, vel, distance, action_id, wd=0x59)

set_drive is Robo’s generic command to set the velocity and distance commands to multiple motors at once

motor_cmds is a list of motor objects folloed by the direction that motor should spin: [[1,0],[2,1],[3,0],[4,1]] motors from 1-6 are valid if connected
vel is the desired velocity from 0-100%
distance is the desired distance to travel in centimeters
action_id is a unique identifier that is sent back once Robo has completed the action. Use the self.drive_id by default, use check_drive_action() to know when it is done
wd is the diameter of the wheels used, default is 89mm or 0x59mm in hex. If you choose to change the wheels be sure to pass in the new wheel diameter
my_robo.set_drive([[1,0],[2,1],[3,0],[4,1]], 50, 100, my_robo.drive_id)

Sound Playback

sound(self, sound)

Plays the desired sound clip on the system cube speaker 0-7 are valid



stops all motors from moving

Stop All Actions


stops all outputs


turn(self, vel, angle, direction, wait=1, motors=(1, 2), wd=89, turning_radius=91)

turn is Robo’s simplified command to have Robo turn a number of degrees assuming a 2 motor configuration

vel is the desired velocity from 0-100%
angle is the amount to have Robo turn in degrees
direction will detirmine clockwise or counter clockwise rotation
wait is a flag that indicates if we wait in the function until the turn is complete. set wait = 0 if we want to exit the function while turning
motors is a tuple of the two motors used to turn Robo
wd is the diameter of the wheels used, default is 89mm or 0x59mm in hex. If you choose to change the wheels be sure to pass in the new wheel diameter
turning_radius is the distance from the wheel to the centre of Robo’s turning axle in millimeters
my_robo.turn(40, 90, 1)